Planning & Zoning
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Phone: 607-687-0123 Dept. 6
Planning & Zoning Email planningzoning@townofowego.com
Planning & Zoning Administrator
Bill Carrigg
Planning & Zoning Secretary
Tina Tammaro
Code Enforcement Officers
Brenda Burrell
Jeff Hontz
Greg Cornell
Zoning Board of Appeals, agendas and minutes are available on the Town Board Meetings Page
The Zoning Board of Appeals is a five member board, whose members serve by appointment of the Town Board. Each member serves a five year term, with one member’s term expiring December 31st of each year. Meetings are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM and are open to the public. The Zoning Board of Appeals has the authority to grant Special Use Permits, Area and Use Variances as well as make interpretations of the Town’s zoning regulations, which are contained in Chapter 125 of the Code of the Town of Owego.
The Town of Owego’s map is available at this link: Tioga County Geographic Information Tool. In the top right corner of this map is an icon for “Layer List”. Click here, then scroll to the bottom of the list and click on “Town of Owego Zoning Districts” (areas without color are Agricultural Zoning Districts (AG). As more recent zoning changes may not be updated, you must confirm the zoning district with the Planning & Zoning office prior to the issuance of a building or other permit.
Application forms considered by the Zoning Board of Appeals:
The Planning Board is a seven member board appointed by the Town Board. Each member serves a seven year term, with one member’s term expiring December 31st of each year. Meetings are regularly scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM and are open to the public. The Planning Board considers requests for site plan approval and special permits for extraction of natural products (mining), telecommunications facilities, solar facilities and livestock. They also make recommendations to the Town Board for rezoning requests and special permits, as well as to the Zoning Board of Appeals for Special Use Permits.
Planning Board agendas and meeting minutes are available here.
Application forms considered by the Town Planning Board:
Site Plan Review Approvals Process handout
Special Permits for Large Scale Solar Facilities, Cell Phone Towers
Current Zoning Board Members
Gary Phelps, Chairman
David Kresge
Jack Legg
Dan Myers
Janet Brown
Irene Graven, Town Attorney
Current Planning Board Members
Robert Rieg, Chairman
Eric LaClair
James Tofte
Lynne Esquivel
Craig Wademan
Lisa Baileys
Cheri Grenier
Irene Graven, Town Attorney
Storm water is rain and snow melt that runs off surfaces such as rooftops, paved streets, highways, and parking lots. Storm water carries sediment, oil, grease, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other pollutants into storm drains and then, untreated, into nearby waterbodies. Because most storm water drainage systems provide no treatment, preventing contamination of storm water is crucial to ensure that pollutants do not enter waterways. Improperly managed storm water runoff is also a leading cause of flooding, which can lead to property damage, cause road safety hazards, and clog catch basins and culverts with sediment and debris.
The Town of Owego is one of 15 designated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) located in the Counties of Broome and Tioga that must prepare and implement a storm water management program to comply with state and federal storm water regulations. These municipalities recognize that watersheds and separate sewer systems cross municipal boundaries and that collaborative efforts addressing local storm water issues saves time, money and energy. As a result, the MS4s entered into an agreement to form the Broome-Tioga Storm water Coalition and work together to address local storm water issues and meet the requirements of state and federal storm water regulations.
To find out more information about storm water, state and federal storm water regulations or the Broome-Tioga Storm water Coalition, visit the BTSC’s website.
Broome-Tioga Storm water Coalition Public Education Website http://www.waterfromrain.org/
Click here to view the Chapter 99 Storm water Management
Frequently Asked Questions
A building permit is required for any work that is regulated by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Examples of work usually requiring a building permit include: new buildings, additions, foundations, demolitions, decks, pools, storage sheds, fireplaces (excludes gas-burning), adding new windows or doors, work that is structural in nature, or other substantial remodeling or renovation work on existing buildings. Storage sheds less than 144 square feet in area placed in conjunction with a residence do not require a permit but must meet zoning regulations.
Examples of work, that usually do not require a building permit include: replacing a window or door with another of the same size in the same location, replacing electrical or plumbing fixtures in the same location, painting, wallpapering, carpeting, sidewalks, driveways, replacement of roofing shingles that does not involve replacement of the sheathing or underlying structure. Please contact us if you are not sure whether or not a permit is required.
Building permits will expire 12 months after the date of issuance.
Yes. Insurance and homeowners who act as their own contractor must go to the NYS Workers Compensation website to complete form CE-200 and provide a printed copy to accompany the building permit application.
Building permits are issued in person only. Applicants are encouraged to call the office to arrange a time to meet with the Code Enforcement Officer.
1. Proof of identification.
2. Proof of property ownership if recently purchased.
3. A plot plan of the parcel showing all structures, existing and proposed, in relation to property lines.
4. For a wood stove, pool, pre-built shed, etc., manufacturer’s specifications of the construction/installation.
5. For septic systems, an engineered septic plan approved by the Tioga County Health Department (607-687-8565).
6a. If a contractor will be building the structure, the applicant must provide a Certificate of Workers Compensation Insurance coverage (New York State form C-105.2) and a certificate of liability insurance.
6b. Contractors who claim exemption from NYS Workers Compensation Insurance and homeowners who act as their own contractor must go to the NYS Workers Compensation website to complete form CE-200 and provide a printed copy to accompany the building permit application;
7. If the applicant is building a single-family residence and will disturb an acre or more (for example, a residence including driveway, accessory building, garage, septic system, utilities, etc.) a Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required. To determine if your project meets this requirement, download the Single Family House Phase II Acre Determination Worksheet Acre Determination Worksheet (PDF).
8. Provide a total cost of the project.
9. Applicant’s signature agreeing to contact the for specific required inspections. The town cannot issue a Certificate of Compliance or a Certificate of Occupancy if the required inspections are not scheduled and approved.
If the structure is 144 square feet or larger a building permit is required. If the structure costs more than $10,000, a building permit and a set of plans stamped by a NYS licensed engineer or architect is required. The plans must be specific to the building you plan to construct and show compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Code including wind load and snow load. All steel buildings require plans stamped by a NYS licensed engineer that detail the wind and snow load for our region. Plans with multiple construction options that do not detail the specific path of construction will not be accepted.
The requirements are published by the New York State Department of State and are adopted by the Town of Owego. You may view the Code by clicking the link here.
The requirements are published by the New York State Department of State and are adopted by the Town of Owego. You may view the Code by clicking this link here.
Livestock permits are required to keep chickens for properties located in one of the residential zoning districts (RA, RB or RC), and a minimum of 5 acres is required. No permit is required in Agricultural (AG) zoning districts. Livestock is prohibited in all other zoning districts.
Single wide mobile homes are not permitted in the Town of Owego. Existing single wide mobile homes are allowed provided a permit is on file in the town's Planning & Zoning office.
Camping in a tent or travel trailer is permitted in Agricultural (AG) zoning districts with a camping permit or at an approved campground.
Yes. However, keep in mind that electrical work must be inspected by an independent inspector and a copy of the final inspection certification submitted to this office. Here is a list of the inspectors in this area: Click Here
Permits are required for solid-fuel burning appliances such as wood or coal stoves. Permits are not required for gas inserts.
No, however if you are installing an in-ground pool or a pool less than 48” above grade, then an enclosure, normally a fence, is required by the Building Code. You may go to the following NYS website for specific requirements for pool barriers: NYS REQUIREMENTS FOR SWIMMING POOLS.
Yes. Any pool deeper than 24 inches is regulated by the New York State Building Code. You may contact this office or go to the following New York State website for specific requirements regarding pools, pool alarms and barriers: NYS REQUIREMENTS FOR SWIMMING POOLS.
Contact Code Enforcement at 607-687-0123 X6