Assessor’s Office
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (607) 687-0123 Dept #1
Sole Assessor
Richard J. Pedro
607-687-0123 Dept. 1
The Assessor does not establish tax rates. The Assessor is responsible for maintaining the property records for all real property within the Town of Owego. Real Property is defined as the land and all things attached to the land. The job of the Assessor is to ensure that each property in the Town of Owego is equitably assessed so that the owner pays no more than his or her fair share of the tax levy. The rates are determined by the budgets of your local village, town, county municipalities and local school districts. For information regarding New York State’s new income limit for Basic STAR Exemption read below.
Equalization Rate:
2023 NYS established Equalization Rate is 54.0%
The Equalization Rate is the ratio of assessed value to market value.
To read more about the Equalization Rate: Click Here
To check your assessment: Click here
Grievance Information:
What to do if you disagree with your assessment:
The application contained in this pamphlet must be completed in order to request an appointment with the Owego Board of Assessment Review.
The BAR (Board of Assessment Review) meets on Grievance Day which is the fourth Tuesday of May every year.
To read more about the Equalization Rate: Click Here
Frequently Asked Questions
This office accepts various forms of proof of residency such as your driver’s license, or a piece of mail – such as a utility bill – mailed to you at your new address.
he reason why we ask for this is because New York State requires that Star exemptions, veteran’s exemptions, senior exemptions, etc. only be granted on the property where you actually reside, your primary residence. Many people own multiple properties but only one of them is considered to be your primary residence and is eligible for certain exemptions.
Yes, we collect exemption applications throughout the year. However, March 1st is the deadline for that year’s assessment file.
Each year the Tioga County Office of Real Property Tax Services uses our assessment file to print the Village, school, and Town & County tax bills. The printing is done about 3-4 weeks before the bills are mailed out. If the deed for the property is filed close to the time of the printing, there isn’t enough time to get the files updated so that the new owner’s name appears on the bill. Always feel free to contact this office if you have a question about your property records.
Board of Assessment Review
Donald Conning, Chairman
Edward Harrison
Daniel Cacciaglia
Martin Murphy
Orville Wright
For Star Exemption application questions, call (518) 457-2036