Town Clerk & Tax Receiver
Look up your tax info and pay your bill online!
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (607) 687-0123 Dept #2
Fax: (607) 687-6381
Town Clerk
Pamela Brown
Deputy Town Clerk
Laura Burt
Sporting License
For NYS residents proof of residency is required for each year the license is purchased. Residency proof: current NYS Driver’s, Voter registration card, one month of utility bills (electric, phone, cable) or one month of pay stubs with your home address not a post office box
Hunter Safety courses or a previous big game licenses can be used as for proof of hunting qualifications, if hunter is not in the DEC system.
Pennsylvania Bow Hunter licenses are valid proof of qualifications in NYS
Back Tags are not proof of hunter qualifications
Birth/Death/Marriage Records
Genealogical searches are performed by Town Clerk Staff members ONLY. Records are not available for public inspection.
Birth Records are available to: the person named on the birth certificate (if 18 years or older) or the parents named on the birth certificate. Birth records for other than genealogical purposes are available for legally documented reasons if requested by someone other than the person or parents named on the certificate. Legal Guardians not named on the certificate must provide court certified legal guardian papers.
Death Records are available to: The spouse, parent or child of the deceased. Death Records for other than genealogical purposes are available for legally documented reasons if requested by someone other than parent, spouse, sibling or child of the deceased.
Birth/Death/Marriage Record Requests Continued
Marriage records are available to the bride or groom only. Marriage Records for other than genealogical purposes are available for legally documented reasons if requested by someone other than the bride or groom.
Information found as a result of a genealogical search is available after the following time table:Birth – 75 years after person is suspected of being deceasedDeath – 50 years after person is known to be deceasedMarriage – 50 years after both bride and groom are believed to be deceased.
Searches are performed as time allows and is dependent upon what information is provided at the time of the request. Searches covering time spans of five or more years require more time.
No verifications will be given over the phone or in person without adequate proof of identity and the necessity of access to the record.
Written requests must be accompanied with photo identification.
Vital Records are not subject to the NYS Freedom of Information Law.
Concession Permits
Concession Permits are $10.00 per day. All applicants selling food must have a Health Certificate from the Tioga County Health Department (687-8565) prior to applying for a permit. This permit is only in effect in the Hickories Park. The Parks Superintendent must approve prior to application and has the right to limit the area where the permit holder is selling his/her services. Stipulations if any should be researched prior to applying by calling the Park Superintendent at 687-1199. No refund will be issued under any circumstances.
Peddler Permits
Peddler permits are valid only outside of the Village and the Hickories Park. These permits allow door to door solicitation. Applications are available in the Town Clerk’s office. All peddlers must provide the make and model of all vehicles being used. All peddlers must have photo identification filed with the application. The fee is ten dollars and is not prorated during the year. All permits expire at Midnight on December 31 and you must carry the issued permit at all times.
Town and County Tax Payments – General Information
Town and County Tax Notices are usually mailed to the property owners and lending institutions by the end of the calendar year. Taxpayers who do not have an escrow account and do not receive their notice by the second week of January are advised to contact the Town Clerk/Tax Receivers office for an additional copy. Taxpayers may click on the link above for the current year’s taxes and either re-print a bill or a receipt or pay online.
Currently only checks, money orders and cash are acceptable payments in person. Debit Cards, Credit Cards and echecks are only accepted online at this time.
When the end of the month falls on a weekend, payments made on the following first business day will be accepted by postmark and in person.
Only legible postmarks made by the US Postal Service are used to determine when a payment was mailed. Dates printed by non US Postal machines are not acceptable proof.
NYS Real Property Tax law states that the taxes are due whether or not the property owner receives the tax notice.
Payments must be made in full. No partial payments will be accepted.
The final date for payment is April 30. All remaining unpaid bills will be returned to the Tioga County Treasurer.
The tax information on the website only reflects payment made up to and including April 30th. Taxes paid after April 30th, are not posted since they are collected by the Tioga County Treasurer.
Please return the ENTIRE BILL with your payment