Office Hours: 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (607) 687-0123 Dept #2
Dog Control Officer
Kyle Fleming
The mission of the Office of Dog Control is to enforce town and state codes, rules, and regulations and to pick up stray and lost dogs for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of the Town of Owego’s human and animal residents. The Town of Owego Dog Control Office is made up of one full time Dog Control Officer and two on-call Dog Control Officers. We are on call at all times to pick up any found dogs. Town of Owego residents, only, may obtain a dog license by filling out this Dog License Application (PDF). You may either bring it in or mail it to the Town of Owego Clerk’s office at the address listed above. We can only list missing dogs for Town of Owego Residents
Amendment to Chapter 46 Town of Owego Dog Licensing
How do I license my dog?
Town residents only may stop in at the Town Clerks Office with your dog’s current rabies certificate or download and fill out license application online and mail it with payment and current rabies certificate to the Clerk’s Office. Prices are $10.50 for altered dogs and $17.50 for un-altered dogs. Link for Dog License Application
I found a dog. Now what?
Click here to view our Found a Dog Pamphlet
I think an animal is not being properly cared for or mistreated.
Contact Law Enforcement
Do you handle complaints about or pick up cats?
No, we only handle complaints with dogs. If you have a wildlife question, please contact the NYSDEC Cortland Office at 800-388-8244.
Do you handle nuisance wildlife complaints?
Wildlife complaints are directed through the New York State DEC (607) 751-3095 x7
What do I do if I suspect an animal is sick or rabid?
Call local Law Enforcement